- 1. Local Storage
- 2. AsyncJS
- 3. ServiceWorker
- 5. EF composite key
- 6. Initialization ASP.NET DI container - DAL service, Swagger, CORS, AU, EF, SQL.
- 7. Working with Claim.
- 8. Working with custom Attributes and Reflection.
- 9. Pwa lecture and book
- 10. Related pages
My first Progressive Web App (PWA) - useful links.
In past year I made native Android apps and you can see a couple of small description from that project:
- (2021) How to build application server based on push notification from Firebase
- (2021) Retrofit test with interceptor, clear communication and show data to TextView
- (2021) How to debug Android frontend
And very often I made site specially for mobile phone, for example:
- (2012) Landing page with adaptive design and country recognizing from database
- (2016) Як будуються адаптивні сайти для мобільників та десктопів на CLASSIC ASP.NET
But in this year I'm faced with my first Progressive Web App. This application can working offline and has some another interesting future.
Unfortunately russian invasion to Ukraine brake this project, I'm have to going out of Ukraine and project stopped. However I can show in this page a couple screen from key future of this application and I can collect useful links about PWA below.
1. Local Storage
Project working with Local Storage.
2. AsyncJS
Project uses asynchronous JS construction like Promise.
Also project used new JS future like Class.
And CryptoJS to move to server SHA256-hash of password.
3. ServiceWorker
Of course, main future of PWA is using ServiceWorker.
- 1.Progressive Web Applications
- 2.Рецепты по приготовлению офлайн-приложений
- 3.PWA — это просто
- 4.Как сделать Progressive Web Apps: руководство новичка
- 5.Могут ли PWA (Progressive Web Apps) образца 2018 года составить достойную конкуренцию нативным приложениям?
- 6.Progressive Web Apps: WhoAmI
- 7.Секреты Progressive Web Apps: часть 1
- 8.Всё, что нужно знать о Progressive Web App (PWA)
- 9.Нативные приложения обречены (часть 1)
- 10.what is service worker?
- 11.Web-приложения в режиме offline. ServiceWorker и CacheStorage
- 12.Генерация страниц сайта средствами сервис-воркеров
- 13.Service Workers
- 14.Некоторые тонкости использования Service Workers
- 15.Service Workers. Инструкция по применению
- 16.Визуализация работы сервис-воркеров
- 17.Использование Service Worker для создания ботнета
- 18.PWA — это просто. Hello Habr
- 19.Service Workers: прозрачное обновление кэша
- 20.WorkBox: ваш toolkit в мире сервис-воркеров
- 21.Как сделать из сайта приложение и выложить его в Google Play за несколько часов. Часть 1/2: Progressive Web App
- 22.Подводные камни Service Workers
- 23.Вам не нужны ни PWA, ни AMP, чтобы ваш сайт загружался быстро
- 24.JavaScript: ускоряем загрузку изображений с помощью Imgproxy, Cache API и Service Worker API
- 25.Идеальный инструмент для создания прогрессивных веб-приложений или Все, что вы хотели знать о Workbox. Часть 2
- 26.Как работает JS: сервис-воркеры
- 27.Service Workers. Web Push и где они обитают
- 28.Магия WebPush в Mozilla Firefox. Взгляд изнутри
- 29.Web PUSH Notifications быстро и просто
- 30.Как работает JS: веб push-уведомления
- Other interesting articles from this site
- 31.Способы синхронизации вкладок браузера
- 32.Firebase: прощание с иллюзиями
- 33.Firebase снова стала предметом исследований
- 34.Руководство для начинающих по прогрессивным веб-приложениям и фронтенду
- 35.62 полезных инструмента для адаптивного дизайна (Responsive web design)
- 36.The Quick Guide for a Web Developer
Database of this project is always present, this is interesting DB with actively using JSON processing into SQL.
Usually I'm handle XML inside SQL, see for example
- XML (2009) SQL-Client_for_remote_XML-WebService - client to meteonova.ru
- XML (2009) How to parse XML SOAP inside MS SQL
But I never so far parse JSON inside SQL. And currently I have other project with parsing JSON inside SQL. Therefore I decide create separate page where I have collected useful links about SQL JSON SqlJson useful links.
5. EF composite key
Database for this project is always present and was be unusual. For example tables has composite key, so unique key can be compose only with combine a couple of tables. This is my first project where I create composite key.
6. Initialization ASP.NET DI container - DAL service, Swagger, CORS, AU, EF, SQL.
When I start this project it has some template, but initialization of ASP.NET DI container was be full incorrect. I have extract interface from DAL and inject DAL to controllers. Add Swagger, correct authentication, CORS policy and SQL and EF connection. This is my solution for correct init DI container.
7. Working with Claim.
I don't like store a lot of data into Claim, but offline application is another case. Therefore a lot of data I stored to Claim.
8. Working with custom Attributes and Reflection.
Project actively use Attributes to convert various data.
Unfortunately this part of project can not be finished. You can use way to use Attributes and special converting rules in this my articles
- (2022) BackendAPI (Net Core 5) project template with Custom Attribute, Service and Controller Example, MySQL database with masked password in config, SwaggerUI, EF Core and extension to EF Core
- (2018) Customize Newtonsoft.Json Serializer/Deserializer to convert Javascript Datetime and Number to .NET datatype.
- (2021) Use Attributes in Model and show it in form by LabelFor, Check ModelState
- (2021) Use attribute for custom validation function
- (2021) Use CustomAttribute to store metadata about model field
- (2021) Use attributes as common controller code
9. Pwa lecture and books
1. Build Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) from Scratch
2. Complete Progressive Web App Bootcamp
Wargo J. Learning Progressive Web Apps 2020
10. Related pages
- (2024) Google Cloud and Cloudflare
- (2023) CloudflareWorker and Supabase
- (2022) JS, Css
- (2022) Typescript, Webpack
- (2022) Angular, RxJs, Firebase, MongoDb
- (2022) Node, NestJs, Electron, Pwa, Telegram
- (2022) React, Redux, GraphQL, NextJs
- (2022) Angular/Typescript, JS books