Server Angular (NestJs) learning.
There are very interesting Angular implementation for server programming - NestJs. I have pass 3 cool lecture about this type of angular project:
- Create an NestJS API in a Nx Workspace.
- Create a library for a NestJS API in a Nx Workspace.
- Configure a NestJS API with Environment Variables using ConfigModule and joi.
- Add a GraphQL endpoint to a NestJS API.
- Create a Docker configuration for a NestJS API.
- Getting Started with NestJS.
- Understanding Guards in NestJS.
- How To Build a Blog with Nest.js, MongoDB, and Vue.js
And fortunately I have real workable application with this technology. This is brief of real project.
- 1. CRON_JOBS service.
- 2. ORM (TypeOrmModule).
- 3. Controller.
- 4. Validators.
- 5. Liquid engine - generate Html on server side.
- 6. NestJs Auth module.
- 7. Logging Database changing, GraphQL
- 8. Winston Logger
- 9. Jest testing
- 10. Azure storage
- 11. Embed Xml into Pdf
- 12. Transaction with QueryRunner
- 13. Handlebars helpers
- 14. Mailing subsystem
- 15. Time calculations
- 16. WebRequest
- 17. Exception filter
- 18. Class transformation
- 19. Other useful feature
- (2024) Google Cloud and Cloudflare
- (2023) CloudflareWorker and Supabase
- (2022) JS, Css
- (2022) Typescript, Webpack
- (2022) Angular, RxJs, Firebase, MongoDb
- (2022) Node, NestJs, Electron, Pwa, Telegram
- (2022) React, Redux, GraphQL, NextJs
- (2022) Angular/Typescript, JS books
- (2024) My lecture about Javascript (Ukrainian language)
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