(MVC) MVC (2014)

How classic ASP.NET programmers has realized WEB.API since 2005 year.

Since 2010 Microsoft push aggressive ads about their "new" technology WEB.API. But ASP.NET programmers in Classic ASP.NET has used this technology last 5 years maybe in each project. "New" MS conception of WEB.API contains three members:

But WebMethod is restricted solution, usually used as I show above. WebMethod has only six tuning parameters/attributes - CacheDuration, Description, EnableSession, MessageName, TransactionOption, BufferResponse. If you need more advanced Web.API solution, ASP.NET contains SOAP/WSDL services, that has huge number of tuning parameters.

SOAP/WSDL services is my liked types of project in ASP.NET, In my site I have separate section for description this type of projects - Топіки що стосуються специфічних технологій обробки JSON та XML

Client part to call WebMethod is ordinary AJAX, in particular this page contains that my script, string 33 is call WebMethod placed directly in ASP.NET page.

   1:  function getUrlParameter(sParam) {
   2:      var sPageURL = decodeURIComponent(window.location.search.substring(1)),
   3:      sURLVariables = sPageURL.split('&'),
   4:      sParameterName,
   5:      i;
   7:      for (i = 0; i < sURLVariables.length; i++) {
   8:          sParameterName = sURLVariables[i].split('=');
  10:          if (sParameterName[0] === sParam) {
  11:              return (sParameterName[1] === undefined ? true : (sParameterName[1] === "" ? "0" : sParameterName[1]));
  12:          }
  13:      }
  14:      return "0";
  15:  };
  17:  $(document).ready(function () {
  18:      var pagesize = $("#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_PageSize");
  19:      var showobjcount = $("#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_ShowObjCount");
  20:      var curpagenumber = $("#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_CurPageNumber");
  21:      var countryid = getUrlParameter("Country");
  22:      var cityid = getUrlParameter("City");
  23:      var typeid = getUrlParameter("Type");
  24:      var pricetypeid = getUrlParameter("PriceType");
  25:      var fromid = getUrlParameter("From");
  26:      var toid = getUrlParameter("To");
  27:      var ctgid = getUrlParameter("Ctg");
  28:      var xxxid = getUrlParameter("xxx");
  29:      var querystring = "&Country="+countryid+"&City="+cityid+"&Type="+typeid+"&PriceType="+pricetypeid+"&From="+fromid+"&To="+toid+"&Ctg="+ctgid;
  30:      function addoneobjtolist(objid) {
  31:          $.ajax({
  32:              type: "GET",
  33:              url: "GetNewObjectPage.ashx?objectid=" + objid + querystring,
  34:              dataType: "html",
  35:              success: function (response) {
  36:                  var lastli = $(".objects");
  37:                  lastli.append(response);
  38:              },
  39:              failure: function (response) {
  40:                  alert(JSON.stringify(response));
  41:              }
  42:          });
  43:      };
  44:      var getnextpage = function nextpage() {
  45:          var nextpagenum = Number(curpagenumber.text());
  46:          $.ajax({
  47:              type: "POST",
  48:              url: "Object_list.aspx/GetObjListToNextPage",
  49:              data: '{"PageNum":"' + nextpagenum + '","CountryID":"' + countryid + '","KurortID":"' + cityid + '","Type":"' + typeid + '","PriceType":"' + pricetypeid + '","From":"' + fromid + '","To":"' + toid + '"}',
  50:              contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
  51:              dataType: "json",
  52:              success: function (response) {
  53:                  var objarr = JSON.parse(response.d);
  54:                  if (objarr.length > 0) {
  55:                      curpagenumber.text(nextpagenum + 1);
  56:                      showobjcount.text(Number(showobjcount.text()) + objarr.length);
  57:                      for (var i = 0; i < objarr.length; i++) {
  58:                          addoneobjtolist(objarr[i]);
  59:                      };
  60:                  };
  61:              },
  62:              failure: function (response) {
  63:                  alert(JSON.stringify(response));
  64:              }
  65:          });
  66:      };
  67:         $(".but-more").bind("click", getnextpage);
  68:  });

You may see how to WebMethod work in my real site https://arenda.votpusk.ru/default.aspx, but this site is not simple, it has adaptive page and to see WebMethod you need to entering to my site from mobile device, because in desktop computer this WebMethod is turn off.

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Link to this page: //www.vb-net.com/WebApiInClassicAspNet/index.htm