(NET) NET (2019)

3.3. My typical VB.NET desktop application. Fill TreeView and ListView without binding.

I have many descriptions how to fill TreeView with React, for example Multi Languages Spell Checker for webmaster. Part 3. Directory observer on NET Reactive extension., but in this page I describe simplest way to create TreeView nodes.

Firstly need to link ImageList to TreeView:

And after that you can fill treeview by the same way:

 266:      Sub BuildTreeView()
 267:          For Each Top As v_GetUsers1 In VGetUsers1BindingSource.DataSource
 268:              Dim TopNode = New TreeNode With {.Text = Top.UserName, .Tag = Top.UserID, .ImageIndex = 1}
 269:              TreeView1.Nodes.Add(TopNode)
 270:              For Each Box As p_GetMailBox1_Result In db1.p_GetMailBox1(Top.UserID).ToList
 271:                  Dim BoxNode As New TreeNode With {.Text = Box.login, .Tag = Box.idmailbox, .ImageIndex = 2}
 272:                  TopNode.Nodes.Add(BoxNode)
 273:                  Dim BoxType1 As New TreeNode With {.Text = "Inbox", .ImageIndex = 3}
 274:                  BoxNode.Nodes.Add(BoxType1)
 275:                  Dim BoxType2 As New TreeNode With {.Text = "Outbox", .ImageIndex = 4}
 276:                  BoxNode.Nodes.Add(BoxType2)
 277:                  Dim BoxType3 As New TreeNode With {.Text = "Sent", .ImageIndex = 5}
 278:                  BoxNode.Nodes.Add(BoxType3)
 279:                  Dim BoxType4 As New TreeNode With {.Text = "Deleted", .ImageIndex = 6}
 280:                  BoxNode.Nodes.Add(BoxType4)
 281:                  Dim BoxType5 As New TreeNode With {.Text = "Drafts", .ImageIndex = 7}
 282:                  BoxNode.Nodes.Add(BoxType5)
 283:                  Dim BoxType6 As New TreeNode With {.Text = "Filed", .ImageIndex = 8}
 284:                  BoxNode.Nodes.Add(BoxType6)
 285:                  Dim BoxType7 As New TreeNode With {.Text = "Search", .ImageIndex = 9}
 286:                  BoxNode.Nodes.Add(BoxType7)
 287:              Next
 288:          Next

Filling Listview without binding is pretty simple too:

 221:      Sub FillAttachmentListListView(Attachments As IEnumerable(Of MimeKit.MimeEntity))
 222:          AttachmentListListView.Items.Clear()
 223:          If Attachments.Count = 0 Then
 224:              AttachmentListListView.BackColor = SystemColors.Control
 225:          Else
 226:              AttachmentListListView.BackColor = SystemColors.Window
 227:              For Each One As MimeKit.MimePart In Attachments
 228:                  If One.IsAttachment Then
 229:                      Dim AttItem As New ListViewItem(One.FileName, 0)
 230:                      AttItem.ToolTipText = One.ContentType.ToString
 231:                      AttachmentListListView.Items.Add(AttItem)
 232:                  End If
 233:              Next
 234:              'AttachmentListListView.Columns(AttachmentListListView.Columns.Count - 1).Width = -2
 235:              AttachmentListListView.Refresh()
 236:          End If

Also in ListView I usually create own draw module, if I moving cursor out of ListView, selected row is showing as necessary.

Ti rich this need firstly set particular parameters to ListView

  18:          AttachmentListListView.OwnerDraw = True

And after that handles particular event:

 239:      Dim AttachmentListListViewLostFocusItem As Integer = -1
 240:      Private Sub AttachmentListListView_Leave(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles AttachmentListListView.Leave
 241:          AttachmentListListViewLostFocusItem = AttachmentListListView.FocusedItem.Index
 242:      End Sub
 244:      Private Sub AttachmentListListView_DrawItem(sender As Object, e As DrawListViewItemEventArgs) Handles AttachmentListListView.DrawItem
 245:          If e.Item.Selected Then
 246:              If AttachmentListListViewLostFocusItem = e.Item.Index Then
 247:                  e.Item.ForeColor = Color.Black
 248:                  e.Item.BackColor = Color.LightBlue
 249:                  AttachmentListListViewLostFocusItem = -1
 250:              ElseIf AttachmentListListView.Focused Then
 251:                  e.Item.ForeColor = SystemColors.HighlightText
 252:                  e.Item.BackColor = SystemColors.Highlight
 253:              End If
 254:          Else
 255:              e.Item.ForeColor = AttachmentListListView.ForeColor
 256:              e.Item.BackColor = AttachmentListListView.BackColor
 257:          End If
 258:          e.DrawBackground()
 259:          e.DrawText()
 260:      End Sub

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Link to this page: //www.vb-net.com/Samantha/FillView.htm