(CORE) CORE (2022)

Asp.Net Core 6 new initialization

Firstly i want to said why initialization application and configuring services is most difficult and most important step in NET CORE. This step is absolutely absent in ASP.NET Classic and ASP.NET MVC application. Some decision from Microsoft follow increase common price of any Microsoft software (and of course induce increase Microsoft stock in stock market).

As a result price of software increasing at least 10 times comparing finished monolithic framework, from $3-4/hour to $30/hour, up to $100/hour for new technology. Nobody happy for this, except Microsoft. Price of software increasing, Microsoft capitalization increasing, investment to Microsoft is growing, owners of Microsoft has more and more money.

So, in this page I describe Net core 6 new initialization (new Hosting model), https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/migration/50-to-60-samples?view=aspnetcore-6.0. This is my practical implementation of this migration.

Before Net Core 6 we was have two initialization and configuring DI container files Program.vb and Startup.vb - (this two files applicable to Backend API). Instead two files NET Core 6 uses this one file:

   1:  Imports BackendAPI
   2:  Imports BackendAPI.Model
   3:  Imports BackendAPI.Notification
   4:  Imports BackendAPI.Services
   5:  Imports FrontEnd.Data
   6:  Imports Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder
   7:  Imports Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting
   8:  Imports Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Connections
   9:  Imports Microsoft.AspNetCore.HttpOverrides
  10:  Imports Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity
  11:  Imports Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore
  12:  Imports Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration
  13:  Imports Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
  14:  Imports Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders
  15:  Imports Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting
  16:  Imports Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
  17:  Imports Microsoft.OpenApi.Models
  18:  Imports System.Diagnostics
  20:  Module Program
  22:      Public Property Environment As IWebHostEnvironment
  23:      Public Property LoggerFactory As ILoggerFactory
  24:      Public Property Configuration As IConfiguration
  25:      Sub Main(Args() As String)
  26:          Dim Builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(Args)
  27:          'Add services to the container.
  28:          Debug.WriteLine($"ContentRootPath: {Builder.Environment.ContentRootPath}, WebRootPath: {Builder.Environment.WebRootPath}, ContentRootPath: {Builder.Environment.ContentRootPath}, StaticFilesRoot: {Builder.Configuration("StaticFilesRoot")}, WebRootFileProvider: {Builder.Environment.WebRootFileProvider}, IsDevelopment: {Builder.Environment.IsDevelopment} ")
  30:          Builder.Host.ConfigureLogging(Sub(hostingContext, logging)
  31:                                            logging.AddConfiguration(hostingContext.Configuration.GetSection("Logging"))
  32:                                            logging.AddConsole
  33:                                            logging.AddDebug
  34:                                            logging.AddFilter("Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR", LogLevel.Debug)
  35:                                            logging.AddFilter("Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Connections", LogLevel.Debug)
  36:                                        End Sub)
  38:          Builder.WebHost.ConfigureKestrel(Sub(KestrelServerOptions)
  39:                                               KestrelServerOptions.ListenLocalhost(5157)
  40:                                               KestrelServerOptions.ListenAnyIP(7167, Function(X) X.UseHttps)
  41:                                           End Sub)
  42:          Environment = Builder.Environment
  43:          Configuration = Builder.Configuration
  45:          Builder.Services.AddCors
  46:          Builder.Services.AddControllers(Sub(MvcOptions) MvcOptions.RespectBrowserAcceptHeader = True).AddControllersAsServices
  47:          Builder.Services.AddHttpContextAccessor
  49:          Builder.Services.AddMvcCore(Sub(MvcOptions) MvcOptions.EnableEndpointRouting = False).
  50:                           AddFormatterMappings
  52:          Builder.Services.AddSwaggerGen(Sub(SwaggerGenOptions)
  53:                                             SwaggerGenOptions.SwaggerDoc("V2", New OpenApiInfo With {.Title = "Backend API", .Version = "V2"})
  54:                                         End Sub)
  56:          Dim AES As New AesCryptor
  58:          Builder.Services.AddDbContext(Of ApplicationDbContext)(Function(ByVal options As DbContextOptionsBuilder)
  59:                                                                     Return options.UseMySql(AES.DecryptSqlConnection(Builder.Configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection"), "XXXXXXXXXX"),
  60:                                                                     ServerVersion.Parse("10.5.9-MariaDB-1:10.5.9+maria~xenial"), 'SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "%version%";
  61:                                                                     Sub(ByVal mySqlOption As Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Infrastructure.MySqlDbContextOptionsBuilder)
  62:                                                                         mySqlOption.CommandTimeout(10)
  63:                                                                         mySqlOption.EnableRetryOnFailure(10)
  64:                                                                     End Sub)
  65:                                                                 End Function, ServiceLifetime.Transient, ServiceLifetime.Transient)
  67:          ' configure strongly typed settings object
  68:          Builder.Services.Configure(Of Jwt.JwtSettings)(Builder.Configuration.GetSection("JwtSetting"))
  70:          'configure DI for application services
  71:          Builder.Services.AddScoped(Of IUserService, UserService)
  72:          Builder.Services.AddSingleton(Of IAesCryptor, AesCryptor)
  73:          Builder.Services.AddSingleton(Of INotificationCacheService, NotificationCacheService)
  75:          'SignalR
  76:          Builder.Services.AddSignalR.
  77:                  AddHubOptions(Of NotificationHub)(Sub(options)
  78:                                                        options.EnableDetailedErrors = True
  79:                                                    End Sub)
  81:          Builder.Services.AddDatabaseDeveloperPageExceptionFilter
  82:          Builder.Services.AddDefaultIdentity(Of IdentityUser)(Sub(options) options.SignIn.RequireConfirmedAccount = True).AddEntityFrameworkStores(Of ApplicationDbContext)
  83:          Builder.Services.AddControllersWithViews
  85:          Dim I As Integer = 0
  86:          Builder.Services.OrderBy(Function(Z) Z.Lifetime.ToString).ThenBy(Function(Z) Z.ServiceType.ToString).Distinct.ToList.ForEach(Sub(X)
  87:                                                                                                                                           I = I + 1
  88:                                                                                                                                           Debug.WriteLine($"{I}. {X.Lifetime} : {X.ServiceType}")
  89:                                                                                                                                       End Sub)
  90:          'Scoped    : one instance per web request
  91:          'Transient : each time the service is requested, a new instance is created
  93:          ' ******* Configure the HTTP request pipeline. *******
  94:          Dim App = Builder.Build
  95:          LoggerFactory = App.Services.GetRequiredService(Of ILoggerFactory)
  97:          ' EF Code First migration
  98:          If App.Environment.IsDevelopment Then
  99:              'The default HSTS value is 30 days. You may want to change this for production scenarios, see https://aka.ms/aspnetcore-hsts.
 100:              App.UseMigrationsEndPoint
 101:          Else
 102:              App.UseExceptionHandler("/Home/Error")
 103:              App.UseHsts 'HTTPS Redirection Middleware (UseHttpsRedirection) to redirect HTTP requests to HTTPS. HSTS Middleware (UseHsts) to send HTTP Strict Transport Security Protocol (HSTS) headers to clients.
 104:          End If
 106:          App.UseForwardedHeaders(New ForwardedHeadersOptions With {
 107:             .ForwardedHeaders = ForwardedHeaders.XForwardedFor Or ForwardedHeaders.XForwardedProto
 108:          })
 110:          If Builder.Environment.IsDevelopment Then App.UseDeveloperExceptionPage
 112:          App.UseSwagger
 113:          App.UseSwaggerUI(Sub(x)
 114:                               x.SwaggerEndpoint("/swagger/V2/swagger.json", "Backend API V2") ' Notice the lack of / making it relative
 115:                               'x.RoutePrefix = "CS" 'This Is the reverse proxy address
 116:                           End Sub)
 117:          App.UseRouting
 119:          App.UseHttpsRedirection
 120:          App.UseStaticFiles(New StaticFileOptions With {.FileProvider = New PhysicalFileProvider(Builder.Configuration("StaticFilesRoot"))})
 121:          App.UseStaticFiles(New StaticFileOptions With {.FileProvider = New PhysicalFileProvider(Builder.Configuration("StaticFilesRoot")), .RequestPath = "/Identity"})
 122:          App.UseAuthentication
 123:          App.UseAuthorization
 124:          App.MapControllerRoute(name:="default", pattern:="{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}")
 125:          App.MapRazorPages
 127:          'global cors policy
 128:          App.UseCors(Function(x)
 129:                          Return x.
 130:                          AllowAnyOrigin.
 131:                          AllowAnyMethod.
 132:                          AllowAnyHeader
 133:                      End Function)
 135:          App.UseEndpoints(Function(x) x.MapControllers)
 137:          'custom jwt auth middleware 
 138:          App.UseMiddleware(Of Jwt.JwtMiddleware)
 140:          'SignalR
 141:          App.UseEndpoints(Sub(endpoints)
 142:                               endpoints.MapHub(Of NotificationHub)("/NotificationHub", Sub(opt)
 143:                                                                                            opt.Transports =
 144:                                                                                            HttpTransportType.WebSockets Or
 145:                                                                                            HttpTransportType.LongPolling
 146:                                                                                        End Sub)
 147:                           End Sub)
 149:          App.Run()
 151:      End Sub
 152:  End Module

And frontend project has one important parameters in appsetting.json

       "StaticFilesRoot": "G:\\Projects\\FrontEndTst\\FrontEndRoot"

Red color mark automatically migration, of course you can doing migration manually in any projects. In this case this is ordinary migration MVC project to MsSQL - most unusable and idiotic project template in whole Microsoft templates and workflow.

Why I mark Microsoft MVC project template as most idiotic project template as possible?

Therefore I recommend my project template Split code and view to different projects with ASP.NET Core 6. instead idiotic Microsoft project template.

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Link to this page: http://www.vb-net.com/NetCore6Ini/Index.htm