Dockerizing Linux server
Docker is an kind of restricted environment. Usually inside docker is nothing simplest utilities like top or ping. And as default installation standard program is forbidden. For use more convenient environment with (for example) simplest network utilities we can use special docker image, for example my image:
- 2020 year: CentOS 8 based docker with additionally mrt, nslookup, git, ftp, wget, openssl, checksum, nano - Download from: [MyServer], [docker hub]
Despite a lot of advertising of dockerizing linux, a lot of most needed program is impossible to start with docker. For example, I don't know how to overcome a lot of errors for starting NET CORE apps with docker. For example on the screen below you can see normal workable site, I try to start it directly with volume, even without dockerfiles, but failed.
Than I have created dockerfile and try to start again, image has been builded successfully, but run this image was been impossible.
After I receive 10 different errors in order to start my workable site under docker, I leave this idea and start it in ordinary way without docker.
However in some case docker is useful and working. A lot of docker function you can see in topics:
Various docker command examples.
- Add current admin account to Docker user group to avoid SUDO to any docker command
- Docker build, docker run -it, inspect image
- Show container log
- Docker add networking (sudo docker network create --driver=bridge --subnet=168.XXX.XXX.224/27 --gateway=168.XXX.XXX.225 outside_net)
- Docker save (sudo docker save -o /zabbix.tar zabbix), scp copy, load
- Docker hierarchy
- Docker set DNS in config(sudo nano /etc/default/docker, sudo service docker restart)
- Docker check networking (docker run busybox:1.28 nslookup, docker run busybox:1.28 ping 168.XXX.XXX.225)
- Docker build from docker file (docker build --tag ubuntu:current - < tst1)
- Docker commit, docker save, docker push
- Mount cdrom inside docker container
- Create token to join swarm as manager or worker (after sudo docker swarm init) Administer and maintain a swarm of Docker Engines,
- Promote worker node as manager
- Create secret.
- Expose secrets as docker service
- Example of my real Docker Run command
- MUE-Dockerfile,
- Crown blockchain
- Dockerize whole linux Dockerfile, .dockerignore
Most popular dockers.
- Operation systems
- Ubuntu
- CentOS
- Amazon Web Services EC2
- Minimal Linux for VmWare
- Robot OS
- Web servers
- Apache
- Nginx
- PHP ecosystem
- Joomla
- WordPress
- Messaging and cache
- MemCached
- RabbitMQ
- Nats-streaming
- Continuous delivery
- Jenkins
- Share
- OpenMediaVault
- Database
- Redis
- MongoDB web interface
- MariaDB
- Docker management
- Portainer
- Chat and forum
- PhpBB
- - opensource server messanger like Skype, Telegram, Discord
- Microsoft
- Dotnet Core
- Asp Net
- Azure functions
- Empty
- Scratch - empty image
- Hello-world image
- Busybox - tiny Linux with all network utilities
Useful links.
- Command list
- Official docker command line reference
- Official docker guide - Build and run your image and share it to DockerHub
- Official best practice to build image
- Main docker commands in print form
- Main docker command list (original), the same in russian with comments
- Examples
- Dockerize whole linux server
- From Docker Container to Bootable Linux Disk Image
- Create Container, Change Container, Save as new image and Connect to Container
- How to Interactively Create a Docker Container
- Install, Run and Delete Applications Inside Docker Containers
- Exploring Docker container's file system
- List containers in Docker
- Rename image (add tag)
- Copy a Docker image from one machine to another
- Docker over SSH
- Edit a file inside Docker (Docker cp) container?
- Docker run in background or with attached console
- Networking
- Create and manage Docker networks
- Basic Networking with Docker
- Assign port mapping
- Docker network example
- Microsoft
- .NET Docker samples
- Docker in Visual Studio Code
- Docker Desktop for Windows
continue reading Dockerizing Linux server (continue)