## ########################### ## ## Crypto Wallets Docker File ## ## Version 0.01 ## ## ########################### ## ## MonetaryUnit Masternode ## FROM crypto4docker/myfirst-test:16.04 ## Enviroment Variables For Propper Functioning ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive ENV EXTERNAL_IP= ENV MASTERNODE_PRIV_KEY= ENV TX_INDEX=0 ENV SEED_NODE= ENV RPC_PASSWORD= # Work Directory to root WORKDIR /root # Clone a specific repo / branch RUN git clone https://github.com/muecoin/MUE monetaryunit ## Change Working Directory - Pre Build WORKDIR /root/monetaryunit # Set permissions and perform a clean build, making sure to strip the # client and install it correctly to /usr/local/bin # You can use /usr/bin but it is not recomended; RUN ./autogen.sh && ./configure --with-incompatible-bdb && make -j 2 && make install # Copy files to build system ready for execution COPY monetaryunit.conf /tmp/monetaryunit.conf COPY startup.sh / RUN mkdir /root/.monetaryunit # Optional Copy blockchain.zip #COPY bootstrap.zip /root/.INSN #WORKDIR /root/.INSN #RUN unzip bootstrap.zip #RUN rm /root/.INSN/bootstrap.zip CMD ["/startup.sh"]