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Microsoft Knowledge Base Article - 270920
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OFF2000: Public Properties That Can Be Used on the Setup Command Line

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This article was previously published under Q270920


The Office Setup program accepts a number of optional command-line properties that you can use to control how the Setup program operates. This article lists the properties and describes the functionality of each property.

For more information about these properties and their possible settings, see the "References" section of this article.

For a list of command-line switches, please see the following Knowledge Base article:

202946 OFF2000: Setup Command-Line Switches for Office 2000

WARNING: The properties in this article have not all been tested with Office 2000 and may not work with Office 2000. Also, some properties may be specific to a particular operating system. For example, a property may work for Microsoft Windows 2000 but not for Microsoft Windows 98.


Important Notes:
  • Some of the following properties are Windows Installer properties for all Windows Installer products and may not work with Office 2000.
  • Usually, if you specify the same Setup options but use different values in the Setup command line, settings file, or transform, Setup uses the following rules to determine which settings to use:

    • If you set an option in the Office Custom Installation Wizard that corresponds to a Setup property, the wizard sets the corresponding property automatically in the MST file.
    • If you modify a Setup property in the Modify Setup Properties pane of the Custom Installation Wizard, this setting overrides any corresponding options that you set in previous panes of the wizard. Your modified Setup property is written to the MST file.
    • If you set options, including Setup properties, in the settings file that conflict with options in the transform, the values in the settings file take precedence.
    • If you set options on the command line, those settings take precedence over any conflicting values in either the settings file or the transform.
Property Name             Description
TARGETDIR                 Used as the location to copy the Installer
                          installation package during an administrative 

ALLUSERS                  Determines where configuration information will
                          be stored. 

ARPCOMMENTS               Provides Comments for the Add/Remove Control

ARPCONTACT                Provides Contact for the Add/Remove Control

ARPNOREPAIR               Disables the Repair button in the Programs 

ARPPRODUCTICON            Specifies the primary icon for the installation
ARPREADME                 Provides ReadMe for the Add/Remove Control 

ARPSYSTEMCOMPONENT        Prevents display of application in Add/Remove
                          programs list. 

ARPURLINFOABOUT           URL for application's home page. 

ARPURLUPDATEINFO          URL for application update information. 

ARPNOMODIFY               Disables functionality that would modify the
                          product from the Add/Remove Control Panel.
ARPNOREMOVE               Disables functionality that would remove the
                          product from the Add/Remove Control Panel. 

DISABLEADVTSHORTCUTS      Set to disable the generation of certain
                          shortcuts supporting installation-on-demand.  

DISABLEMEDIA              Prevents the installer from registering media 
                          sources, such as a CD-ROMs, as valid sources 
                          for the product.  

DISABLEROLLBACK           Disables rollback for the current configuration. 
INSTALLLEVEL              Initial "level" at which features will be
PROMPTROLLBACKCOST        Action if there is insufficient disk space for
                          the installation. 

REBOOTPROMPT              Suppresses the display of prompts for reboots 
                          to the user. Any reboots that are needed happen

SHORTFILENAMES            Causes short file names to be used.
TRANSFORMS                List of transforms to be applied to the database.
TRANSFORMSSECURE          Setting the TRANSFORMSECURE property to 1 
                          informs the installer that transforms are to 
                          be cached locally on the user's computer in a
                          location where the user does not have write 

LIMITUI                   UI level capped as Basic. If LIMITUI is set, 
                          the ARPNOMODIFY property should be set as

ADDLOCAL                  List of features to be installed locally. The 
                          list of features comes from FileList.xls of the 
ADVERTISE                 List of features to be advertised. The list of
                          features comes from FileList.xls of the ORK.
ADDDEFAULT                List of features to be installed in their 
                          default configuration.  The list of features 
                          comes from FileList.xls of the ORK.

ADDSOURCE                 List of features to be run from source.  The 
                          list of features comes from FileList.xls of the

REMOVE                    List of features to be removed. The list of
                          features comes from FileList.xls of the ORK.

REINSTALL                 List of features to be reinstalled.
REINSTALLMODE             A string containing letters that specify the 
                          type of reinstall to perform.  

COMPADDLOCAL              List of component IDs to be installed locally.
COMPADDSOURCE             List of component IDs to run from source media. 

FILEADDDEFAULT            Property List of file keys of files that are to
                          be installed in their default configuration.  

FILEADDLOCAL              List of file keys of the files to be run locally.
FILEADDSOURCE             List of file keys to be run from the source
NOUSERNAME                Suppresses the automatic setting of the USERNAME 

NOCOMPANYNAME             Suppresses the automatic setting of the USERNAME 

ARPHELPLINK               Internet address, or URL, for technical support. 

ARPHELPTELEPHONE          Technical support phone numbers. 

COMPANYNAME               Organization of user performing the installation. 

PIDKEY                    Part of the Product ID entered by user. 

USERNAME                  User performing the installation. 

DONOTMIGRATEUSERSETTING   Directs Setup to not copy the user's 
                          application settings when upgrading from an 
                          earlier version.

INSTALLIME                Installs the Input Method Editor (IME). If this
                          property is set to False, the IME is not
                          installed during Office installation. If the
                          property is not set, the IME is installed.
                          This property only applies to versions of Office
                          that include the IME.			

INSTALLLANGUAGE           Language used by Setup to configure 
                          language-dependent user settings. 

INSTALLLOCATION           Installation location. Default for Office 2000 
                          is /Microsoft Office in the user's Program Files

NOPROFILESETTINGS         Setup does not copy the settings from the OPS 
                          file in the transform to the user's computer.

OPCREMOVAL                Disables the action by Setup of removing 
                          earlier versions of Office. If the setting is 
                          OFF, earlier versions of Office will not be

SKIPREMOVEPROGRAMSDIALOG  Hides the Remove Previous Versions panel of
                          Office Setup.

SOURCELIST                Specifies a list of network server shares for 
                          the Windows Installer to search if the primary
                          server is unavailable. This list is equivalent 
                          to the list in the Identify Additional Servers
                          panel of the Custom Installation Wizard. 
                          Separate multiple server shares with semi-colons.

CUSTOMINSTALLDESCRIPTION  Descriptive text displayed by Setup for the
                          Custom installation option. 

CUSTOMINSTALLHEADER       Text displayed above the Custom installation
                          option button in Setup. 

CUSTOMINSTALLTEXT         Text used for the Custom installation option
                          button in Setup. 

TYPICALINSTALLDESCRIPTION Descriptive text displayed by Setup for the 
                          Typical installation option. 

TYPICALINSTALLHEADER      Text displayed above the Typical installation 
                          option button in Setup when you are installing 

TYPICALINSTALLTEXT        Text used for the Typical installation option
                          button in Setup when you are installing Office.
TYPICALUPGRADEHEADER      Text displayed above the Typical installation 
                          option button in Setup. 

TYPICALUPGRADETEXT        Text used for the Typical installation option
                          button in Setup when running in maintenance mode. 

OUTLOOKASDEFAULTAPP       Registers Outlook as the default manager of
                          various types of information. 

NOIE                      Directs Internet Explorer 5 Setup to not upgrade
                          to Internet Explorer 5 during Office Setup. This
                          is the same action that Setup performs if the 
                          user chooses not to install Internet Explorer 5 
                          during Office Setup. 

IEMODE                    Directs the Internet Explorer 5 Setup to use 
                          the specified upgrade mode. Use the Internet 
                          Explorer 5 Administrator Kit to customize which
                          Internet Explorer 5 components are installed in 
                          each mode. 

IEXVALUE                  By default, when Setup installs Internet 
                          Explorer 5 on the user's computer, it registers
                          Internet Explorer 5 as the default browser and 
                          installs icons for Internet Explorer 5 on the
                          user's computer. 

IESETUPLOCATION           Contains the file path of Internet Explorer 5 

SKIPDIALOG                Hides the Internet Explorer 5 installation 
                          panel of Office Setup.

ALTERNATEMSOFFICEDIR      Specifies an alternate installation location to 
                          be used if the folder specified by the 
                          INSTALLLOCATION property contains an Access 97
                          runtime application. The default value is 

REBOOT                    Specifies whether the computer is to be rebooted 
                          during or at the end of intallation. Three 
                          options are available:

                          Force: Always prompt for a reboot at the end of 
                          the installation. 

                          Suppress: Suppress prompts for a reboot at the 
                          end of the installation. 

                          ReallySuppress: Suppress all prompts for reboots 
                          during the installation initiated by ForceReboot 
                          and all prompts at end of the installation.


All properties listed in this article are documented in one of the following locations, with more information about the available settings:
  • The Setupref.xls file from the Microsoft Office 2000 Resource Kit
  • The FileList.xls file from the Microsoft Office 2000 Resource Kit
  • Online Help, Msi.chm, from the Windows Installer 1.1 Software Development Kit (SDK)
  • The Readme.doc file from the Microsoft Office 2000 Resource Kit.

Setupref.xls and Filelist.xls

You can also download the Offinfo.exe file from the ORK tools site at the following Web address:


When you run Offinfo.exe on your computer, Setupref.xls and Filelist.xls are extracted. This is a Microsoft Excel workbook with a complete list of Setup command-line switches and properties.

Windows Installer 1.1 SDK Help

Windows Installer 1.1 SDK help can be downloaded from the following Microsoft Web site:


When you install the Windows Installer 1.1 SDK, the Windows Installer 1.1 Help file, Msi.chm, is also installed on your computer.

Readme.doc for the ORK

The Readme.doc file for the Microsoft Office 2000 Resource Kit can be downloaded from the following ORK Web site:


The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Office 2000 (Setup)
Last Reviewed: 10/8/2003 (1.1)
Keywords: kbPubTypeKC kbMSCCSearch KB270920