RFC0001 Host Software April1969 21088 bytes, 11 pages UNKNOWN
RFC0002 Host software April1969 17145 bytes, 10 pages UNKNOWN
RFC0003 Documentation conventions April1969 2323 bytes, 2 pages UNKNOWN
RFC0004 Network timetable March1969 5933 bytes, 6 pages UNKNOWN
RFC0005 Decode Encode Language (DEL) June1969 26408 bytes, 17 pages UNKNOWN
RFC0006 Conversation with Bob Kahn April1969 1568 bytes, 1 pages UNKNOWN
RFC0007 Host-IMP interface May1969 13408 bytes, 7 pages UNKNOWN
RFC0008 Functional specifications for the ARPA Network May1969 bytes, pages UNKNOWN
RFC0009 Host software May1969 bytes, pages UNKNOWN
RFC0010 Documentation conventions July1969 3348 bytes, 3 pages UNKNOWN
RFC0011 Implementation of the Host-Host software procedures in GORDO August1969 bytes, pages UNKNOWN
RFC0012 IMP-Host interface flow diagrams August1969 177 bytes, 1 pages UNKNOWN
RFC0013 Zero Text Length EOF Message August1969 1070 bytes, 1 pages UNKNOWN
RFC0015 Network subsystem for time sharing hosts September1969 10695 bytes, 5 pages UNKNOWN
RFC0016 M.I.T August1969 682 bytes, 1 pages UNKNOWN
RFC0017 Some questions re: Host-IMP Protocol August1969 6065 bytes, 4 pages UNKNOWN
RFC0018 IMP-IMP and HOST-HOST Control Links September1969 634 bytes, 1 pages UNKNOWN
RFC0019 Two protocol suggestions to reduce congestion at swap bound nodes October1969 3392 bytes, 2 pages UNKNOWN
RFC0020 ASCII format for network interchange October1969 18504 bytes, 9 pages UNKNOWN
RFC0021 Network meeting October1969 2143 bytes, 2 pages UNKNOWN
RFC0022 Host-host control message formats October1969 4606 bytes, 2 pages UNKNOWN
RFC0023 Transmission of Multiple Control Messages October1969 690 bytes, 1 pages UNKNOWN
RFC0024 Documentation Conventions November1969 3460 bytes, 3 pages UNKNOWN
RFC0025 No High Link Numbers October1969 479 bytes, 1 pages UNKNOWN
RFC0027 Documentation Conventions December1969 3661 bytes, 3 pages UNKNOWN

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Link to this page: //www.vb-net.com/standard/rfc/index1969.htm