Visual Basic Language Reference  

^ Operator

Raises a number to the power of another number.

Number ^ exponent


Required. Any numeric expression.
Required. Any numeric expression.


The result value will be number raised to the exponent power.

Supported Types

Double. All operands of a different type will be converted to Double.


Number can be negative only if exponent is an integer value. When more than one exponentiation is performed in a single expression, the ^ operator is evaluated as it is encountered from left to right.

Usually, the data type of result is Double.


This example uses the ^ operator to raise a number to the power of an exponent. The result is the first operand raised to the power of the second.

Dim myValue As Double
myValue = 2 ^ 2   ' Returns 4.
myValue = 3 ^ 3 ^ 3   ' Returns 19683.
myValue = (-5) ^ 3   ' Returns -125.
myValue = (-5) ^ 4   ' Returns 625.

See Also

^= Operator | Arithmetic Operators | Operator Precedence in Visual Basic | Operators Listed by Functionality | Arithmetic Operators