Transact-SQL Reference


Contains one row for each backup media set. This table is stored in the msdb database.

Column name Data type Description
media_set_id int IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY Unique media set identification number.
media_uuid uniqueidentifier NULL Number of media in the media set. If only one media family in the backup set, then this column is NULL (media_family_count is 1).
media_family_count tinyint NULL Number of media families in the media set.
name nvarchar(128) NULL Name of the media set. For more information, see MEDIANAME and MEDIADESCRIPTION in BACKUP
description nvarchar(255) NULL Textual description of the media set. For more information, see MEDIANAME and MEDIADESCRIPTION in BACKUP.
software_name nvarchar(128) NULL Name of the backup software that wrote the media label.
software_vendor_id int NULL Identification number of the software vendor that wrote the backup media label. The Microsoft® SQL Server™ value for this column is hexadecimal 0x1200.
MTF_major_version tinyint NULL Major version number of Microsoft Tape Format used to generate this media set.