Transact-SQL Reference


Returns properties of a Publisher that serves as its own Distributor. This stored procedure is executed at the Distributor on any database.


sp_helpdistpublisher [ [ @publisher =] 'publisher']
    [ , [ @check_user = ] check_user


[@publisher = ] 'publisher'

Is the Publisher for which properties are returned. publisher is sysname, with a default of %.

[@check_user = ] check_user

For internal use only.

Result Sets
Column name Data type Description
name sysname Name of Publisher.
distribution_db sysname Distribution database for the specified Publisher.
security_mode int Security mode used by the replication agent in a push subscription to connect to the Publisher.
login sysname Login name used by the replication agent in a push subscription to connect to the Publisher.
password sysname Password returned (in simple encrypted form). Password is NULL for users other than sysadmin.
active bit Whether a remote Publisher is using the local server as a Distributor:

0 = No
1 = Yes

working_directory nvarchar(255) Name of the working directory.
trusted bit Security mode implemented at the Distributor:

0 = SQL Server Authentication
1 = Windows Authentication

thirdparty_flag bit Whether the publication is a Microsoft® SQL Server™ database:

0 = Microsoft SQL Server
1 = Data source other than Microsoft SQL Server


sp_helpdistpublisher is used in all types of replication.

sp_helpdistpublisher will not display the publisher login or password in the result set for non-sysadmin logins.


Execute permissions default to the public role.

See Also




System Stored Procedures