Platform SDK: Directory Services

ADSI Objects of WinNT

The ADSI WinNT provider implement the following COM objects to support features and services of various ADSI interfaces.

ADSI Object Description Supported Interfaces
Class An ADSI object that represents a class definition. IADs IADsClass
Computer An ADSI object that represents a computer. IADs IADsComputer IADsComputerOperations IADsContainer IADsPropertyList
Domain An ADSI object that represents a domain over the network. IADs IADsDomain IADsContainer IADsPropertyList
FileService An ADSI object that represents a file service. IADs IADsFileService IADsFileServiceOperations IADsContainer IADsPropertyList
FileShare An ADSI object that represents a file share. IADs IADsFileShare IADsPropertyList
FPNWFileService An ADSI object that represents a file service. IADs IADsFileService IADsFileServiceOperations IADsContainer
FPNWFileShare An ADSI object that represents a file share. IADs IADsFileShare IADsPropertyList
FPNWResource An ADSI object that represents a resource. IADs IADsResource IADsPropertyList
FPNWResourcesCollection An ADSI object that represents a collection of resources. IADsCollection
FPNWSession An ADSI object that represents a session. IADs IADsSession IADsPropertyList
FPNWSessionsCollection An ADSI object that represents a collection of sessions. IADsCollection
Group An ADSI object that represents a group. IADs IADsGroup IADsPropertyList

NOTE GetInfo cannot be used for groups that contain members that are wellKnown security principals in the WinNT scope.

GroupCollection An ADSI object that represents a collection of groups. IADs IADsMembers
LocalGroup An ADSI object that represents a local group. IADs IADsGroup IADsPropertyList
LocalgroupCollection An ADSI object that represents a collection of local groups. IADs IADsMembers
Namespace An ADSI object that represents the WinNT namespace. IADs IADsContainer IADsOpenDSObject
PrintJob An ADSI object that represents a print job. IADs IADsPrintJob IADsPrintJobOperations IADsPropertyList
PrintJobsCollection An ADSI object that represents a collection of print jobs. IADsCollection
PrintQueue An ADSI object that represents a print queue. IADs IADsPrintQueue IADsPrintQueueOperations IADsPropertyList
Property An ADSI object that represents an attribute definition. IADs IADsProperty
Resource An ADSI object that represents a resource. IADs IADsResource IADsPropertyList
ResourcesCollection An ADSI object that represents a collection of resources. IADsCollection
Schema An ADSI object that represents the schema container. IADs IADsContainer
Service An ADSI object that represents a service. IADs IADsService IADsServiceOperations IADsPropertyList
Session An ADSI object that represents a session. IADs IADsSession IADsPropertyList
SessionsCollection An ADSI object that represents a collection of sessions. IADsCollection
Syntax An ADSI object that represents the syntax of an attribute. IADs IADsSyntax
User An ADSI object that represents a user account. IADs IADsUser IADsPropertyList
UserGroupCollection An ADSI object that represents a collection of user groups. IADsMembers
Platform SDK Release: November 2001