Visual Basic Language Reference  

Print, PrintLine Functions

Writes display-formatted data to a sequential file.

Public Sub Print( _
   ByVal FileNumber As Integer, _
   ByVal ParamArray Output() As Object _


Public Sub PrintLine( _
   ByVal FileNumber As Integer, _
   ByVal ParamArray Output() As Object _


Required. Any valid file number.
Optional. One or more comma-delimited expressions to write to a file.

Output argument settings

The Output argument settings are:

Setting Description
SPC(n) Used to insert space characters in the output, where n is the number of space characters to insert.
TAB(n) Used to position the insertion point to an absolute column number, where n is the column number. Use TAB with no argument to position the insertion point at the beginning of the next print zone.
expression Numeric expressions or string expressions to print.


Exception type Error number Condition
IOException 54 File mode is invalid.
IOException 52 FileNumber does not exist.


Print will not include a linefeed at the end of a line; PrintLine, however, will include a linefeed.

Data written with Print is usually read from a file with LineInput or Input.

If you omit Output for PrintLine, a blank line is printed to the file; for Print, nothing is output. Multiple expressions separated with a comma will be aligned on tab boundaries, but mixing commas and TAB may result in inconsistent results.

For Boolean data, either True or False is printed. The True and False keywords are not translated, regardless of the locale.

Date data is written to the file using the standard short date format recognized by your system. When either the date or the time component is missing or zero, only the part provided is written to the file.

Nothing is written to the file if Output data is empty. However, if Output list data is DBNull, Null is written to the file.

For Error data, the output appears as Error errorcode. The Error keyword is not translated regardless of the locale.

All data written to the file using Print is internationally aware; that is, the data is properly formatted using the appropriate decimal separator. If the user wishes to output data for use by multiple locales, then Write should be used.


This example uses the Print and PrintLine functions to write data to a file.

FileOpen(1, "c:\trash.txt", OpenMode.Output)   ' Open file for output.
Print(1, "This is a test.")   ' Print text to file.
PrintLine(1)   ' Print blank line to file.
PrintLine(1, "Zone 1", TAB(), "Zone 2")   ' Print in two print zones.
PrintLine(1, "Hello", " ", "World")   ' Separate strings with space.
PrintLine(1, SPC(5), "5 leading spaces ")   ' Print five leading spaces.
PrintLine(1, TAB(10), "Hello")   ' Print word at column 10.

' Assign Boolean, Date, and Error values.
Dim aBool As Boolean
Dim aDate As DateTime
aBool = False
aDate = DateTime.Parse("February 12, 1969")

' Dates and booleans are translated using locale settings of your system.
PrintLine(1, aBool, " is a Boolean value")
PrintLine(1, aDate, " is a date")
FileClose(1)   ' Close file.

See Also

FileOpen Function | SPC Function | TAB Function | Write, WriteLine Functions | File Access with Visual Basic Run-Time Functions | IOException